শিক্ষক নিবন্ধন প্রস্তুতি ২০২৪

by BD School



The recruitment process for teachers in private schools, colleges, madrasas, and technical educational institutions is currently being done through the Private Teacher Registration and Certification Authority (NTRCA). To join as a teacher in a private educational institution, all the aspirants must have the certificate obtained from the NTRCA authority. All aspirants are required to pass written, practical, and oral examinations every year to obtain this certificate. All the subjects of Bangla, English, Maths, and General Knowledge must be covered well for the comprehensive preparation of the NTRCA Exam. NTRCA Exam Preparation helps you to prepare well for the NTRCA exam Teacher Registration Preparation Endowed Mobile Apps will help in the Teacher Registration Exam. These Android mobile apps provide solutions for the 6th to 16th Teacher Registration Exam Past Question Papers consistently. Syllabus and subject-wise study must be done for good exam preparation. In these Android mobile apps, preparation should be done in Bengali, English, Mathematics, General Science, and General Knowledge (Bangladesh Affairs and International Affairs) according to the current syllabus. It has very well-written topic-wise and chapter-wise short questions. To prepare well for the upcoming 17th Teacher Registration Exam, it is necessary to know the types of questions asked in previous years and their solutions. This app contains past school and college level 6th to 16th teacher registration exam questions and solutions. By this users can easily prepare well for the 17th Teacher Registration Exam. Disclaimer: This app, "Primary Teacher Appointment Exam Preparation," Or "Bangladesh Public Service Commission Exam Preparation" is not affiliated with any government agency in Bangladesh. The information provided here is sourced from official government websites, such as the Teacher Registration and Certification Authority (NTRCA) website. However, the app itself does not represent a government entity."This app is not associated with any agency. " Users may require consent to access the websites of job donor organizations for job notification details. It is necessary to follow their rules and regulations to know the job notification information. This app is designed to prepare you for various types of competitive exams. If any kind of error is observed in it, please inform us immediately to update in the next update.